Last Sunday’s turkey voucher was won by Jim Mooney 23pts, 2nd John McGuinn 22pts, 3rd Charlie O’Donnell 22pts. The weekly nine hole was won by John McGuinn 22pts, 2nd Owen Garvin 20pts.
Competitions this week are the weekly nine hole Monday – Saturday and the Turkey Voucher next Sunday. Both competitions are re-entry. An extraordinary general meeting takes place next Sunday evening at 7.00pm in the clubhouse. The Mens and Ladies AGM also take place next Sunday November 9th at 5.00pm. The Club AGM will take place on Sunday December 7th 2014. The presentation of prizes for October took place last Sunday evening, well done to all the winners. The winners of the October draw were Pat Conroy €70, Sean Heslin €40, & Jimmy/Pauline Doyle €40 Thanks to all for supporting the draw