A series of golf classes for children aged 7-13 will commence next Wednesday 12th July from 6pm at Boyle Golf Club with PGA Professional Peter Duignan. It will run each Wednesday for 5 weeks and is open to members and non-members alike.
Peter is a highly experienced coach, having completed his training at the prestigious Portmarnock Golf Club in Dublin before taking up a head professional role at Charlesland in Co Wicklow. Currently based at Co Longford Golf Club, he will be offering tuition to those from Boyle and the wider area.
There will be three one hour slots and groups will be limited to 8 participants each so it is advisable to book early to avoid disappointment.
This promotional drive is in association with visits to two local primary schools, Scoil Na Naingael Naofa and St Joseph’s Boys National School by the club and the Confederation of Golf in Ireland recently. Boyle Golf Club would like to thank both school’s for kindly accommodating this initiative.
The club has set up an online payment facility this year to aid with administration.
We can offer a reduced rate for those who choose to use it.
Link: https://pay.easypaymentsplus.com/feepay1.aspx?id=965
For those who wish not to engage with this, they may contact the coordinator Gary Carty on 0860682116 to book or for any queries.
5 Week Rates:
One Child: At Club: €50; Online: €45.
Two Siblings: At Club: €90; Online: €80.