Course Committee (Reports to Management Committee)
To oversee management/maintainance of the course, present reports and make recommendations to Management Committee
Willie Tiernan, Sandra McCrann (Secretary), Michael Rush, Liam Whyte, John McGuinn, Michael Reid, Michael Gilmartin
Finance Committee (Reports to Management Committee)
To oversee financial management of the club, present reports and make recommendations to Management Committee
Michael Gilmartin, Liam Mullaney (Secretary), Liz Dwyer, Geraldine McDermotroe
House Committee
To oversee operation and management of Clubhouse and make reports and recommendations to Management Committee
Vincent Egan, Aisling Gaughran, Charlie O’Donnell
Mens Competition Committee (Reports to Mens Committee)
To organise and manage mens competitions calendar, make reports and make recommendations to Mens Committee
Padraig O’Connell, Michael Rush, Sean Heslin, Terry Canning, Tommy King
Membership Committee (Reports to Management Committee)
Jonathan Egan
Terms of reference Committee (Reports to Management Committee)
To make recommendations to Management Committee on Officers/Committee’s roles and responsibilities, to facilitate smooth and efficient management of the club.
Susan O’Mahoney, Brendan Gaffney, Padraig O’Connell, Michael Gilmartin.
Open Week Committee
Mens & Ladies Captains, Mens & Ladies Vice-Captains, Mens & Ladies Competition Secretaries, Club Treasurer, Course Convenor
Junior Committee (Reports to Management Committee)
Brendan Gaffney, Moira Egan.