Last Sunday’s Turkey competition was won by Brendan Gaffney 23pts, 2nd Charlie O’Donnell 22pts, 3rd, James Shivnan 21pts. The weekly nine hole was won by Jonathan Egan 25pts, 2nd John McGuinn 24pts. Competitions for this week are the weekly nine hole from Monday to Saturday and next Sunday will be fourth of the Turkey competitions.
Date for your diary is the Club AGM on Sunday December 7th. Details will be posted on noticeboard. Nominations for Officers and committee members to serve on the management committee must be given to the Hon. Secretary on or before Thursday November 27th.
The club extends sympathy to James Cooke on the recent passing of his brother Nicholas. May he rest in peace. The club also extends get well wishes to Pat Wynne.
Well done to Boyle Musical Society on their production of Grease last week with special mention for club members involved.